Using CLI to override config

CLI options can be used to add to, or override, configuration defined in a configfile.

Standard Tessera CLI options are prefixed with a single hyphen (e.g. -configfile <PATH>), whilst the config override options are prefixed with a double hyphen (e.g. --alwaysSendTo <STRING[]...>). Use tessera help to see a complete list of CLI options.

If a config value is included in both the configfile and the CLI, then the CLI value will take precendence. The exceptions to this rule are the --peer.url <STRING> and --alwaysSendTo <STRING[]...> options. Instead of overriding, these CLI options append to any peer or alwaysSendTo urls in the provided configfile. For example, if the following was provided in a configfile:

  "peer": [
      "url": "http://localhost:9001"
and Tessera was run with the following overrides:
tessera -configfile path/to/file --peer.url http://localhost:9002 --peer.url http://localhost:9003 --alwaysSendTo /+UuD63zItL1EbjxkKUljMgG8Z1w0AJ8pNOR4iq2yQc= --alwaysSendTo UfNSeSGySeKg11DVNEnqrUtxYRVor4+CvluI8tVv62Y=
then Tessera will be started with the following equivalent configuration:
  "peer": [
      "url": "http://localhost:9001"
      "url": "http://localhost:9002"
      "url": "http://localhost:9003"
As demonstrated in this example, in certain cases multiple values can be provided by repeating the CLI option. This is supported for the peer.url, alwaysSendTo, server.sslConfig.serverTrustCertificates and server.sslConfig.clientTrustCertificates options.